What is Ladies of Harley, and how do I join?
Ladies of Harley (LOH) is a program sponsored by the Harley Owners Group to support women motorcycle enthusiasts (both drivers and passengers). It is not a separate organization within HOG, but was established to encourage women to become more active in HOG and their local chapters.
You must be an active full, full life, associate, or associate life member of HOG® to be affiliated with Ladies of Harley. Although LOH is free of charge at both the National and Local level, this benefit is not automatic. If you would like to join, update your national membership profile to include LOH on the HOG website. Alternatively, you may call a member-services representative at 1-800-CLUBHOG (1-800-258-2464) and request LOH benefits.
You are invited and needed, to be a part of the Dillon Brothers HOG Chapter – Ladies of Harley. Any man or woman who is a Dillon Brothers HOG member can join, regardless of whether you have a full or associate membership. Whether you are a Harley Chick (who drives her own Harley), Harley Babe (who rides on the back seat of her Harley), or just a chapter HOG member, you are welcome to participate in our events.
Come join us – Ride & Have Fun!
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